I woke up this morning thinking it was Sunday... but no, it was Monday and I had to get up and get the lunch boxes ready and then convince Manon that, yes, her new shoes were very pretty and that the little girl who told her that they were not was simply jealous... not an easy task;-) Here is a pix of the shoes! We went to the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival yesterday and I forgot to take pictures (we went last year too). It was too busy to think of knitting projects and buy yarn but I bought plenty of wool stuffing and a great sheep rug for Lily. She wanted to sleep on it but then decided it smelled too much. Ha ha. And finally, here is a small necklace I made last night. I will be making several more I think. I have a thing for series!
ah ah I was just writing a post about series!
Posted by: celine | May 05, 2008 at 12:49 PM
ooh, i love the shoes and the necklace. i think you're right, the other little girl was just wishing she had a pair too.
Posted by: rachel | May 05, 2008 at 12:49 PM
Love the necklace, want to see more! And the shoes are the cutest ever. That other little girl was jealous.
Posted by: nanette | May 05, 2008 at 04:04 PM
oh how i would have loved shoes like that when i was little... hold on, i'd still love them in my size!
Posted by: Péitseoga | May 05, 2008 at 06:31 PM
Those shoes ARE too cute! I agree with you and everyone-the other girl wanted a pair!
Your necklace is very pretty and romantic!
Posted by: Carrie | May 06, 2008 at 08:24 AM